Sunday, September 29, 2013

Good News and Resources

So, Monday, our interventionist came over and went over Buddy's progress.  She was very excited with everything that he is doing.  He showed her how mobile he is, and how interested he is in getting into everything, as well as playing peek-a-boo.  We also told her about things like his mimicking sounds we make and how friendly he is.  She kept saying, "that's a 10 month skill..." over and over.  (Buddy was just past 10 1/2 months for the visit.)  I finally asked her if she was using a list for visually impaired children, and she wasn't.  She said that he is right on target with all of his development, and he was well above his age level for his interpersonal skills, which I think is great, because that was what they were worried about before.  So, at the moment, we are at a "No Big Deal" stage.

We have been working with Buddy on clapping.  He understands what we are asking him to do, but a lot of the time, he just looks at us like, "why do you want me to bring my hands together repeatedly?  You are weird."  While the interventionist was here, he actually did clap for us, and we cheered so loudly we scared him.  Finally, today, he started clapping again.  It still takes a lot of work from us, but he is starting to get it.  We are so proud of him.

He is just starting to show interest in books, and yesterday we looked at a puzzle.  The puzzle said for ages 1+, but he likes holding the pieces, so I figured we'd play with it.

We are supposed to work on waving, too.

When I first started this blog, it was partially because I needed somewhere to write down my thoughts, and partially because I couldn't find many resources on the web that gave information for other parents going through what we are.  I realize that part of this is that after the initial shock, it's just not that scary and there isn't as much to say.

I did find another blog with occasional posts by a mother of a child with nystagmus in the UK, and earlier this month, she re-posted a post from another blog written by a woman with nystagmus.  Here is a link to that particular post.  I will put links to both of the blogs on my resources page.

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