Sunday, February 10, 2013


Buddy can see.  We've known that for awhile.  The eye doctor agrees with us.  It is just a question of how well he can see what he sees. 

It's heartbreaking to watch him trying to look at something and obviously have such a hard time with it.  It's also exciting when we "catch" him seeing something, like the other night when I bent over him in his cradle.  My husband was watching him and saw Buddy react.  He totally saw me coming!

He looked at us for the first time ever the week after he turned two months old.  Those moments are such sweet memories, and we long to have more like them, but we will take them as they come, when Buddy is ready.

Mostly it seems like he is just not interested in looking at things.  I don't know that it is really a lack of interest, I think it is more lack of awareness.  We try putting things in front of him, but he doesn't really notice them about half of the time.  Instead, we try to focus on what he enjoys.  He likes crinkly noises, and touching soft things.  He loves any type of soft fabric, and if you give him something, he tries to rub it on his face.   He has soft fabric toys, but he seems to like blankets and burp cloths best.  He also likes looking at lights, so Christmastime was a lot of fun.

The eye doctor is supposed to refer us to the Division of Blind Services, which helps visually impaired people as well as people who are blind.  She said they would call us, and so I have been waiting rather impatiently for them to call.  They are supposed to be able to help Buddy effectively use the sight that he has, and I am ready to start.  I'll let you know what they say.


  1. God blessed Buddy with two wonderful parents so that Buddy can have the care and nurturing he will need to succeed in this world. We all have crosses to bear in life and I know you both will take this cross and run with it. I will be praying for you all and just love that little man and all will be just fine.
